Monday, January 10, 2011

15 Months

Jackson is 15 months today! It's amazing how much he is learning these days. He picks up on things so fast, and Weston and I are always amazed at how smart he is becoming (except, as I'm writing this he's walking around with a blanket over his head....not so smart). He's starting to try to repeat the things that we say, which means I probably need to stop calling other drivers on the road morons, stupid, etc.
Some things Jackson has learned lately:

- blowing kisses--he loves the reaction he gets form doing this so he does it a lot
- folds his arms (he can make it through about half of a short prayer--we're working on it)
- signs more, eat, milk, help, please, light and all done I realize light is a random one, but he loved the Christmas lights so he picked up on that sign really fast
- can say no, go, down (dow), doctor (dot-toe), hi (i-yee), store (toe), vacuum (da-cu) he loves when I vacuum so he'll stand by the closet where I keep it and say "da-cu da-cu." It's really cute, and I have really clean floors because I vacuum like twice a day!
- he can climb up on the couch by himself
- he got really good and going up and down stairs over Christmas break
- knows where his nose, eyes, mouth, ears, head, tummy, and hands are. He loves to touch other people's noses.
- he loves to sing songs with hand actions. His favorites are itsy bitsy spider, popcorn popping, and patty cake.
I can't believe he's getting so close to being a year and a half! Three more months and church will actually be tolerable again :)

To the grandmas: I know I don't have a picture. I'll try to take one and put it up in the next few days.

1 comment:

Shan said...

Checking every day for that cute picture! :^)