Saturday, February 12, 2011

16 months

My little boogie turned 16 months a couple days ago, and I don't want to forget to write down some of the amazingly cute things he's doing.
-his new favorite thing to do is to tell people hi. When we pick Weston up from school he usually sits in the back seat with Jackson. The entire ride home Jackson will look at his dad and say, "hiiiiiieeeee." And when Weston doesn't respond to him, he'll say, "DADA! DADA! HIEEEEEE!" It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
- whenever he's about to do something naughty, he'll say "No no." It's nice that he gives me a warning because whenever I hear, "Uh oh" I know I'm too late.
- the thing that grates on my nerves the most is when he throws his food on the floor, but lately when he's done eating he'll just sit in his highchair and say, "dow!dow!" and hand me the food he doesn't want to eat
- we've started doing time outs because he is learning how to get into so many things that he shouldn't. I'll let ya know how that goes.
-he is climbing on EVERYTHING! We have to store our dining room chairs in our bedroom or he would be climbing up on the dining room table all day long. I just hope he doesn't figure out how to climb out of his crib any time soon. I'm just not ready for that yet.
- he's starting to learn colors...ok just one color. He can point out a blue block from a stack of multi-colored blocks
-speaking of blocks, he LOVES to stack them

I know I say this every time, but if you've ever met him you'll know how true it is....he makes me laugh EVERYDAY. He's pretty much the funniest person I know and I just love him so dang much!


Joni said...

I miss seeing this little face. I just love him!

Shan said...

He is such a cutey! We miss him!