Sunday, April 10, 2011

18 Months

Wow, I am just a tad bit behind on my blogging. I don't think I've ever gone two whole months with out writing anything! I guess being pregnant and feeling yucky is an ok excuse though, right?

Anyway, Jackson is the big 1-8 months now! He is officially a nursery kid and church is, once again, a place of spiritual learning instead of completely frustrating.
Well, Jackson has changed quite a bit in the last couple months.

- he can say a few words now: thank you (da doo), mama, dada, more (mah), truck (tuck-ahhh), juice (jzz), keys (kzz), cheese (chzz), go (doe), down (dow), bath (tha), hi, yes (sezz), hot (hah), brush (ushh), Addie (aa-ee)

- he is half deathly afraid half weirdly intrigued with bugs. Whenever we find a cockroach in our house (which happens way more often than I would like) he stands about 5 feet away from it, points at it, and giggles nervously. It's pretty entertaining.

- he RUNS everywhere. I swear this kid is either in high gear or sleeping--there is no in between

- he still LOVES his daddy. Weston can't study at home because Jackson will stand at the bedroom door knocking and saying "dada! dada!" Weston just can't resist.

- he can point out the letters "a," "o," "i," "j," and "z"

-he is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear. I honestly don't know why, but we went over to a friend's house who had a Buzz toy and he got really attached to it. Now, we have to watch Toy Story every single day. He wakes up and first thing in the morning he says, "bzzz" and points to the tv. My mom just sent him a Buzz stuffed toy for Easter and he is completely in love with it. I took it away to have him eat dinner and he had a complete melt down. He played with Buzz all night and is snuggling with him as he sleeps right now

- he has been really into giving loves and kisses lately

-he knows quite a few animal sounds: monkey, lion, cat, dog, horse, cow, sheep, dinosaur (pretty much anything that says "raar"), bee, elephant

I am loving this age. He is learning so much and he is pretty stinkin' hilarious.


Joni said...
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Joni said...

Oh my, he is so cute and funny. I'm so glad he loves it so much. You called it! Hopefully, he'll eat his dinner tomorrow.

Amelia Brame said...

Hahaha love that kid- the way he tries to say "Infinity and beyond" is adorable :)