Monday, October 10, 2011

Dear Jackson,

Today, you are two years old! We really can't believe that you are no longer our little baby. You are growing up so fast!

You are learning new things every day, and we are always amazed at how much how understand. You are such a vivacious and fun little boy with such a happy disposition. There is never a dull moment with you, and you find a new way to make us laugh everyday. Your smile is contagious. At times, you can be pretty stubborn, and you have so much energy that it's hard to keep up with you, but we really are loving this stage of your life.

Some things about you at 2 years old:
You love cars and trucks. Oh man, do you LOVE toy cars and trucks! It's bordering on obsession, really :)
You are really good at playing by yourself and keeping yourself entertained. Mommy really appreciates this
You do not like riding in carts at the stores. You would rather be walking by the cart (or running around the store). Mommy does not appreciate this so much.
"Cars" is your favorite movie (also bordering on obsession) and you would watch it 10 times a day if we would let you!
Sharing isn't your strong suit, but you are very social and love being around other kids
You love being outside and we really wish we had a backyard for you to run around in
You are so smart and catch onto things so fast. Right now we are working on counting (so far you can count to three...sometimes five), shapes, letters, and colors. Your memory is amazing! I will sometimes find you in your room "reading" books to yourself and you know the stories!

We are so grateful to be your parents. You have brought such joy into our lives and we really can't imagine our family with out you in it. We hope that you will always be so happy and fun!

We love you so much little man! Happy 2nd birthday :)


Mommy and Daddy

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